Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I Wanna Hear from YOU!

So, I hear through the grape vine that folks have been using the site, but I would love to hear more! I want to make sure that I am catering to YOUR needs, so what would you like more of? What could I do to make it easier for you to actually cook these recipes - besides coming to your house and doing it myself :) If/when you have the time, shoot me a comment or email because this blog is for you and to make your cooking experience easier and tastier!



  1. Love, love, love your blog. Always looking for new and yummy things to try that my kids will actually eat. I forwarded your blog to my preschool class I teach. A lot of the moms love the site. Thanks Kate! Keep doing what your doing!

  2. you should take more pics of your lovely meals so we can see how delicious they look :)
